Friday, May 25, 2012

T. Carter Fussell Award Winners, 2011-2012

Congratulations to the winners of the 2011-2012 T. Carter Fussell Awards! We saw a lot of outstanding work this year and are so honored to be able to recognize it! Awards will be presented on June 7th. Contact our Box Office for more details.

Central High School

Guys and Dolls
Anna Everhart
as Harry the Horse
Outstanding Characterization

Carie Heishman
as Miss Adelaide
Outstanding Performance

Joshua Shelor
as Sky Masterson
Outstanding Acting

Chelsea Academy

The Sound of Music
Claudia Elias
as Mother Abbess
Outstanding Acting

Suzannah Evans
as Maria Rainer
Outstanding Acting

Kieran O'Donnell
as Captain Georg von Trapp
Outstanding Acting

Bethany Buono
as Gretl von Trapp
Outstanding Acting

Anna Schaffer
as Elsa Schrader
Outstanding Acting

Jack Evans
as Max Detweiller
Outstanding Acting

Jack Evans
Set Designer
Outstanding Set Design

Pride and Predjudice
Cameron DeLaFleur
Outstanding Original Music

Tony Bergida
as Mr. Bennet
Outstanding Acting

Winfield Turner
as Hill
Outstanding Presence in a Small Role

Sarah Bouchie
as Charlotte Lucas
Outstanding Presence in a Small Role

Peter Lee
as Mr. Darcy
Outstanding Acting

Kieran O'Donnell
as Mr. Collins
Outstanding Physicalization

Anna Schaffer
as Jane Bennet
Outstanding Acting

Clarke County High School

12 Angry Jurors
Danny McGrath
as Juror 8
Outstanding Acting

Samantha Schneeman
as Juror 11
Outstanding Accent

Addison Peacock
as Juror 3
Outstanding Acting

Into the Woods
Addison Peacock
as Cinderella
Outstanding Performance

Josh Coumes
as The Baker
Outstanding Performance

Sydney Wilkins
as The Baker's Wife
Outstanding Acting

Logan Williams
as Little Red Ridinghood
Outstanding Performance

Tony Shipman
as Jack
Outstanding Performance

James Wood High School

Josh Keller
as Lieutenant Frank Cioffi
Outstanding Comedic Performance

Margot Cramer
as Nikki Harris
Outstanding Acting

Katie Salata
as Bambi
Outstanding Triple Threat

Chad Magaw
as Christopher Belling
Outstanding Characterization

John Handley High School

Mark Sfeir
as Rooster Hannigan
Oustanding Acting

Mikayla Balio, Erin Foster, Emma Foster, Cherith Pilong, Lauren Mason & Haley Deal
as the Orphans
Outstanding Ensemble

Millbrook High School

Bye Bye Birdie
Barbie Sinnathamby
as Rose Alvarez
Outstanding Triple Threat

Ryan Duffin
as Albert Peterson
Outstanding Performance

Erin Roberts
as Kim MacAfee
Outstanding Musical Performance

Alex Bennett
as Harry McAfee
Outstanding Performance

Logan Groll
as Conrad Birdie
Outstanding Physicalization

Entire Company

Outstanding Vocals

Nick Hurst, Mitch Beauregard, Blake Heflin, Shaun Wilson, Ryan Duffin
in Baby, Talk to Me
Outstanding Vocals

Nick Hurst, Cassie Maines, Kelsey Harris, Michele Federico, Hope DeCanio, Austin Breshears, Melissa Morgan, John Edward Dayrit
as Stage Management and Crew
Outstanding Set Changes

Skyline High School

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Wyatt Karnes
as Theseus
Outstanding Acting

Carter Robertson

Rebecca Morrison
as Starveling/Moonshine
as Titania
Outstanding Comic Performance
Outstanding Acting

The Importance of Being Earnest
Branden Klingenberg
as Algernon Moncrief
Outstanding Acting

Sarah Burroughs
as Gwendolyn Fairfax
Outstanding Acting

Tiffany Waters
as Cecily Cardew
Outstanding Acting

All I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarted
Wyatt Karnes

Justin Thorne

Reno Vaughan
as Ensemble Member

as Ensemble Member

as Ensemble Member

Outstanding Presence in a Small Role
Outstanding Vocals in "Reflect the Light"

Outstanding Presence in a Small Role

Sherando High School

A Tiny Miracle with a Fiberoptic Unicorn
Nathan Selove
as Louis
Outstanding Acting

Jessie Kraemer
as Grandma Jacobs
Outstanding Characterization

Sam Lacaria &                        Tara Asare
as George and Emily
Outstanding Arguments

Full Cast

Outstanding Ensemble

St. John's Teen Drama Club

It's a Wonderful Life
John Paul Alger
as George Bailey
Outstanding Acting

Tim D'Andrea
as Clarence
Outstanding Acting

Sam Shanley
as Young George
Outstanding Acting

Mary Pesta
as Mother Bailey
Outstanding Acting

Julia Clark
as Violet Peterson
Outstanding Acting

Michael Clark
as Henry F. Potter
Oustanding Acting

Warren County High School

The Odyssey
Stephanie Blakely
as Circe
Outstanding Acting

Seumus O'Reilly
as Alcinous
Outstanding Acting

Legally Blond
Sarah Kramer
as Elle Woods
Outstanding Lead in a Musical

Jessi Platter
as Paulette
Oustanding Vocal Performance

James Blankenship
as Kyle
Outstanding Characterization

Kelsey Hurley
as Margot
Oustanding Performance

Brian Carter
as Warner
Outstanding Vocal Performance

Tyler Peterson
as Candy Pirate Captain, Sugar Daddy "Pimp", Skittles Guy and Laffy Taffy
Outstanding Differentiation of Characters

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Registration opens for Summer Playwriting Intensive offered by Wayside Theatre

Registration opens for Summer Playwriting Intensive offered by Wayside Theatre

Education in Action is offering a Summer Playwriting Intensive for high school aged students (rising freshmen through rising seniors).  Details below.  If you know a young playwright who might benefit, encourage him or her to sign up!  It promises to be a great time, but it may be a one-time-only offering, so register today!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

24-Hour Play Festival performance is tonight at 6:00. Don't miss it!

The 24-Hour Play Festival Continues

It’s 8:17am, and the 24-Hour Play Fest participants are hard at work.  Some of them are re-writing and editing their scripts.  Some of them have started to rehearse.  Prop lists and technical elements are being fleshed out before our designer and stage manager (YAG secretary Libby Powell!) gets into the space.  A lot is going on!

Overnight, our three groups of playwrights received their lines (written by the family, friends, and members of the Wayside staff) and started writing.  We have Baptist Bakin’, the heartwarming story of a southern couple rushing to save “dear ol’ Betsy”; Prank’d: Restaurant Edition, about a woman trying to get her friend to live life to the fullest; and Wal-Mart, Bread, and the Meaning of Life, which follows an elderly woman on her quest for groceries.

The writers worked into the night, but around 2am, some of our teens started to crash, and by 3:53am (exactly), only one was still awake and kicking.  At 7:00am this morning Joette, the costuming intern from Season 50, brought us breakfast and the students were at it again by 7:30.  As I write this, one of the groups is rehearsing on the stage, one of them is outside staging, and one is still polishing their script. 

I hope you won’t miss the performance tonight (May 12th) at 6:00pm!  Tickets are $5, and proceeds will benefit the Education in Action programs here at Wayside.

Friday, May 11, 2012

24-Hour Play Festival is tonight!

24-Hour Play Festival is tonight!

At 6:00 tonight, area teens will be meeting at Wayside Theatre to spend 24 hours writing, rehearsing, and ultimately performing original works.

It’s sure to be a great time, so keep an eye out for photos and updates, and join us at 6:00pm on Saturday for the performance.  Tickets are $5.00 each, and we would love to have you in our audience!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Meet Molly

Wayside Theatre is headed into Season 51, and with a new season come changes.  I consider some of them to be pretty exciting, because one of the changes is that I have joined the Wayside family as the education director!

Megan has decided to pursue her master's degree, which she can't do from the education office at the theatre, so she'll be moving on.  My name is Molly MacLagan, and I wanted to introduce myself and give you a sense of  who I am.  I just moved to Middletown from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I was doing freelance work at a number of theatres in the area.  Most recently I was the directing apprentice at City Theatre for their production of Tigers Be Still by Kim Rosenstock.  I really love the Pittsburgh area, and have family and friends who I'll miss dearly, but I just felt like I wasn't having the impact I wanted to have.

I should pause for a moment to fill you in on some of my philosophies about theatre:  I believe wholehearted that theatre is powerful, and has the potential to touch people in very real and unexpected ways.  If it didn't, I wouldn't be nearly as passionate about it as I am.  Whether people are onstage, backstage, offstage, or in the audience, they are changed by their involvement in a production; people learn new things, engage with each other in new ways, find that they had abilities they never knew they possessed, and generally come away feeling refreshed, inspired, and confident.  The impact I was hoping to have in Pittsburgh was to provide that experience (and to take part in it) as often as possible, but I found that in a city where so much is happening in the theatre scene, the experience tends to get lost in the bustle.

So I'm excited to be here, to have the opportunity to witness and partake in the theatre-making magic that I know happens at Wayside.  I am also delighted to be meeting new people, and anxious to integrate myself into such a unique and enjoyable community.  

Other things you might like to know about me: I am originally from Ohio, and have a unique connection to and will always love the Northeast Ohio area.  My family is mostly located on the east coast, from Massachusetts on up through Maine, and the beach is a home-away-from home.  I love pizza and if I turn it down, you should probably question the status of my health.  I enjoy animals, I'm pretty uncoordinated (but really enjoy some physical activities - like rock climbing or ice skating), always have a great time at karaoke, and drink more coffee than I probably should.

I love classical theatre.  My favorites are the plays of Euripides, Shakespeare, and Shaw.  For my senior Honors thesis I directed a play out of the Chester Cycle, and traveled with it to Toronto for part of an international festival.  It was one of the hardest and also the best projects I've ever undertaken.  (Here is a link to read more about it on the Kent State University website if you're interested:

Of course there's plenty more to know about me, but that is a more-than-ample start.  I look forward to getting to know all of you better!  I'll meet you all soon enough !  (Maybe at the 24-Hour Play Festival that happens tomorrow night!  If you're interested in taking part, send an e-mail to and I'll get you the information you need)