Thursday, April 12, 2012

Young Playwright's Festival Winners

The First Place winner, Maudeleora Kaufman is a student at Woodbridge Senior High School in Woodbridge, Virginia. She will be presented the T. Carter Fussell Award for Outstanding 2012 Playwright, a Staged Reading of her one-act play, receive a $100 Gift from First Bank, and two tickets to a production during the 2012-2013 Season.  Second Place winner is Tiffany Waters, a student at Skyline High School in Front Royal, VA.  He will receive a $50.00 Gift from BB & T, and two tickets to a production during the 2012-2013 Season.

Come see the winning play!
Monday, April 30 @ 7:00 PM
A Staged Reading of
Love through the Ages” by Maudeleora “Molly” Kaufman
FREE to the Public – General Seating
Performed on Wayside Theatre’s Main Stage

Sponsored by First Bank, BB & T, and the Virginia Commission for the Arts

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