Saturday, June 2, 2012

What's New in Education?

Education Update

Playwrights have been selected (and have begun writing) for the Emerging Artists’ Fall New Work about Charlie Chaplin.

On June 1, the Young Ambassadors’ Guild inducted its new members, changed over their executive board, and handed out awards. 

YAG also launched its Second Annual Sponsorship Campaign to raise funds in support of Education in Action programs at Wayside, and with a goal of funding future YAG functions (e.g. field trips to different theatres).  If you would like to sponsor the Young Ambassadors’ Guild and make education programming at Wayside Theatre possible, please contact YAG Liaison and Education Director Molly MacLagan at 540-869-1776, or

The T. Carter Fussell Awards will be presented at 6:30pm at Wayside Theatre on June 7th.  Participants and their families are invited to see Hank Williams Lost Highway after the awards ceremony.  Please be advised that there is live gunfire, adult language, and adult content.  For more information e-mail  To reserve tickets please call the box office at 540-869-1776.

Coming up on July 9th is the Summer Playwriting Intensive!

The Young Performers’ Workshop first summer session begins on July 16th.  Performances to take place at 1:00pm on July 27th.

Keep an eye out on the Education Announcements page for more news, and for photos of upcoming events!

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