Saturday, May 12, 2012

24-Hour Play Festival performance is tonight at 6:00. Don't miss it!

The 24-Hour Play Festival Continues

It’s 8:17am, and the 24-Hour Play Fest participants are hard at work.  Some of them are re-writing and editing their scripts.  Some of them have started to rehearse.  Prop lists and technical elements are being fleshed out before our designer and stage manager (YAG secretary Libby Powell!) gets into the space.  A lot is going on!

Overnight, our three groups of playwrights received their lines (written by the family, friends, and members of the Wayside staff) and started writing.  We have Baptist Bakin’, the heartwarming story of a southern couple rushing to save “dear ol’ Betsy”; Prank’d: Restaurant Edition, about a woman trying to get her friend to live life to the fullest; and Wal-Mart, Bread, and the Meaning of Life, which follows an elderly woman on her quest for groceries.

The writers worked into the night, but around 2am, some of our teens started to crash, and by 3:53am (exactly), only one was still awake and kicking.  At 7:00am this morning Joette, the costuming intern from Season 50, brought us breakfast and the students were at it again by 7:30.  As I write this, one of the groups is rehearsing on the stage, one of them is outside staging, and one is still polishing their script. 

I hope you won’t miss the performance tonight (May 12th) at 6:00pm!  Tickets are $5, and proceeds will benefit the Education in Action programs here at Wayside.

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