Friday, January 11, 2013

From the mouths of babes

12-year-old Audrey Nakagawa responded in spades to our request for personal stories about why Wayside Theatre deserves the ongoing support of the community!  This touching testimonial sums up beautifully and simply the impact that this organization has on the lives of the children who grow here as artists and as people.

I consider Wayside one of my homes. How would it feel if you lost your home? That's what it would feel like to me if I lost Wayside. I have many personal experiences that connect with Wayside. Starting from the beginning, I was just a small 9-year-old wanting to try something new. I was bitten by the "stage bug" and couldn't wait to do more theater! I came back to do "A Christmas Carol" after that and countless YPW's. I was blessed to do the lead role in Wayside's Christmas show, "Glory Bea! A Shenandoah Christmas", for two years in a row! With the help from Thomasin, Warner, and Steve, I've learned many valuable lessons, including responsibility, how to handle criticism, and staying "cool" during rehearsal, even if sometimes I would get frustrated. These lessons don't even include anything that has to do with my singing/acting. This theater would be a huge loss to the community if it closed. I love the staff, actors, and everyone who works there like family! I don't want to lose my home AND my family. Please help save this theater!

One of the kids' casts for the 2012 production of Glory Bea! with Audrey Nakagawa front and center!
Another of the kids' casts for the 2012 production of Glory Bea!

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