Friday, February 1, 2013

Help Wayside With Your Words: 2nd in a series

Many of the students who participate in Wayside Theatre’s Education in Action programming aren’t able to contribute financially to our campaign.  They asked what they could do, and the answer was this: you can help Wayside with your words.  Tell people your experience, share it with the world, and tell our community why this little theatre with a big heart deserves their support—now and in the future.  Today’s post is the second in a series, where you’ll see videos and testimonials that are in our kids’ own words (or in some cases, their parents’ words). 

I hope you enjoy these—they are heartfelt, and truly thought-provoking.  If you’re wondering what the EiA programs offer, here’s your answer.

“I have been coming to Wayside since I was seven years old. I started like many other kids with the YPWs. I remember that the first show my sister and I were both narrators in a show called Mouse Deer. I had never been so nervous and so excited until that day. After the show was over we stayed and watched the older kids show. I knew right then and there that I wanted to keep working at it. From then on I did every single YPW; every summer winter and spring until Wayside started YAG. With YAG I had never been more involved in anything. I loved doing the Shakespeare shows with [Education] In Action and the different fundraisers. when it came time to find a college to study theatre the people at Wayside were the only people to help us prepare for auditions. I currently attend Virginia Tech for a theatre and cinema degree. 

I find myself on many occasions returning to the things that the people at Wayside taught me about performing, auditioning, managing a theatre and Shakespeare. I spent more time at Wayside than I did at home and it’s the first place I visit when I get back from college. Wayside is my home. It is my favorite place in the valley. It holds my favorite memories and some of the best people I have ever met. I don't think the valley should be without Wayside theatre.

“Wayside Theatre is a home to many a kid. It educates us in community and family as well as the business and art of Theatre. Wayside is important to the youth of the valley, I have learned this first hand.”

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