Saturday, February 16, 2013

Public town hall-style meeting, Feb. 20

Town Hall Meeting
Wayside Theatre

Wednesday, February 20th
Light refreshments in the Curtain Call Cafe at 6:30pm
Presentation and Q&A session in the Theatre at 7:00pm

The Wayside Theatre staff cordially invites you to attend.

In the days since we announced the emergency campaign at Wayside Theatre, we’ve heard a variety of responses from community members.  Some people demanded answers—and we gave them.  Others were angry—and we listened to their frustrations and worked with them to try to find a mutual understanding. 

But some people have not come to us.  Some people, for one reason or another, aren’t inclined to be in conversation with us.  Maybe they’re afraid.  Maybe it’s more satisfying to make up answers than it is to ask for them.  Maybe people don’t know how to engage Wayside Theatre.  And that’s why we are having a public, town hall-style meeting on Wednesday, February 20th.

We want to hear what YOU have to say: your suggestions, your ideas, your concerns, your questions, and yes, even your complaints.  We need to know how you want Wayside Theatre to move forward, so if you’d like to see changes, this is your chance to ask us to make them!

Please take this opportunity!  Come and have a dialogue with us, and invite others you know to do so as well.  We can’t have a one-sided conversation.  We need you.

Thank you, as always, for your support!

Warner Crocker, Artistic Director

Thomasin Savaiano, AEA Actress, YPW Coordinator, Administrative Assistant

Steve Przybylski, AEA Actor, Sound Designer, Music Director

Rebecca Cannon Calkin, Assistant to the Artistic Director, Graphic Designer

Kendra Watkins, Production Stage Manager

Molly MacLagan, Education Director

Wes Calkin, Lighting Designer, Scenic Designer, Web Master

Caleb Blackwell, Costume Designer

Zach Fullenkamp, Technical Director, Scenic Designer

Will Gautney, Master Carpenter

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