Sunday, February 3, 2013

Help Wayside With Your Words: Third in a series

(Before I move onto the lovely tribute below, I want to remind you to please spread the word about the Young Playwrights' Competition!  Keeping our programs full and rich is one of the ways we can keep Wayside Theatre strong!)

Many of the students who participate in Wayside Theatre’s Education in Action programming aren’t able to contribute financially to our campaign.  They asked what they could do, and the answer was this: you can help Wayside with your words.  Tell people your experience, share it with the world, and tell our community why this little theatre with a big heart deserves their support—now and in the future.  Today’s post is the third in a series, where you’ll see videos and testimonials that are in our kids’ own words (or in this case, her mother’s words). 

I hope you enjoy these—they are heartfelt, and truly thought-provoking.  If you’re wondering what the EiA programs offer, here’s your answer.

I am the mother of a very talented, passionate teenage daughter who loves the arts, theatre, music, chorus and playing her favorite instrument, the piano.  She is talented, hard-working, attentive and passionate.  She is passionate for the arts.  She loves the theatre and acting, it helps her express herself, be someone else, an escape if you will.  An escape from the drama, peer pressure, bullying, and stress at school.  
 I truly believe every child has a passion in life, and as a parent, it has always been my goal to find what my children’s passion would be and to support that in any way possible.  The very first time my daughter touched a piano key I knew that was it for her, and that was just the beginning.  Now, she is acting on stage, singing solos in school concerts to playing the piano brilliantly and thriving artistically.  Last season, she received a scholarship from Wayside Theatre to attend their Young Performers' Workshop (YPW), studying Shakespeare.  It was a blessing and gave her so much confidence, skill, and she enjoyed every class and at the end, her performance was amazing!  It was her very first performance on stage and it was amazing.
 Wayside Theatre has been instrumental in my daughter’s love of the theatre.  Her acting teacher has had a major impact on her life.  She is an amazing teacher, mentor and my daughter recognizes her as one of the most influential teachers in her life.  My daughter continues to want to enroll in the YPW Workshops every season.  In addition, my family has attended several productions at Wayside Theatre and they are just amazing.  I am amazed that we have a professional theatre right her in our community with the caliber of talent as in major cities.  I am thrilled and amazed that we have a theatre of this magnitude in our community.
 Recently, you may have heard that Wayside Theatre is having financial problems and it absolutely could mean closing their doors for good.  My family was so upset by the news; we had to try to do something to help, to let others know what is right here in our area.  What amazing talent, productions, actors, and what they do for our children who love the theatre.
I would like to share a personal story…… daughter came to me a few days ago and said, “Mom, I just read in the newspaper that Wayside Theatre may be closing due to financial problems.  My birthday is this Saturday can I donate my birthday money to Wayside Theatre?”  My heart filled with pride, joy and love.  My daughter, who spends her birthday and holiday money from grand-parents and family on clothes, shoes and accessories, wants to donate her birthday money to Wayside Theatre.  I could not be more proud of my daughter.   I know that with all of our help, prayers and regular donations, we can keep Wayside Theatre open and thriving and entertaining for years to come.

Most families have a favorite charity they donate to annually, quarterly or monthly.  I am asking you, if you love the arts, love to see live performances and believe as much as we do that Wayside is more than a theatre--that it’s also a place where they continue to make it essential to teach our children--please consider Wayside Theatre as your place to donate to financially on a regular basis, so they do not continue to have financial problems.  Raising money to keep the doors open is one hurdle they have overcome in the very near future, however, they need continued support from the community in order to keep the theatre open and thriving.  Wayside is a professional theatre and an amazing theatre.  It would be heart breaking if they were not a part of our community.
 If you and your family love the theatre, and want to support Wayside Theatre, please lend them your support now and on a regular basis.  I know that with all of our prayers and regular donations, we can keep Wayside Theatre open and thriving and entertaining for years to come.

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